Community Policing

Community Policing:

Our police officers work with our community to solve problems and assure our neighborhoods are safe and secure. We listen to what our citizens expect and design our programs to meet those needs.

Our town is divided into eleven (11) separate community groups with individual officers assigned to each of the area.  The officers work with the groups on specific concerns and needs of that particular area.  Our officers develop "ownership" with each of their communities.

Police officers utilize the S.A.R.A. Model to help problem solve and guide the agencies and communities’ efforts in a logical and organized manner.

S.A.R.A. Model:

Scanning: Identifying the problem and its causes.
Analysis: An in depth examination of the causes and factors contributing to the problem. Questions about who, what, where, when, and how are all relevant and facilitate a better understanding of the problem.
Responses: Action(s) taken to address the problem(s) after thorough scanning and analysis.
Assessment: The ongoing critical review of progress and results of actions taken.